If you have any questions, concerns, etc. contact invy#7828. This tournament is run out of Rivals Recess -> https://discord.com/invite/rivalsrecess
Welcome to Title Match! This is a Rivals singles series with weekly open brackets and a (modest) cash prize tied to each character. If you're the first person to win the bracket with x character, you'll claim their title and receive $20 CAD (will probably need paypal). These prizes only reset once the bracket has been won with every character at least once. This is to promote character diversity among the players who might otherwise steamroll the bracket every week (you know who you are).
Since this is an open bracket, anyone is welcome to terrorize the bracket. With 12 or more entrants, top 8 is bo5; with less than 12, top 6 is bo5. DSR applies. This bracket is only open to players in North America to (hopefully) ensure tolerable connections. Multibracketing is forbidden.
To qualify for a character's title, you must play them for every top 8 game. If necessary, both the winner's opponents and their replays will be checked in order to verify the winner's character choice. If proper verification is unavailable, the final ruling will come down to TO discretion. As such, we recommend all players save all their replays in case verification is needed. It would also be helpful to indicate your character on your Challonge display name.
Taken character
titles: Maypul (hoppy/elkiies), Elliana (Sparx), Wrastor (Kobra), Zetterburn
(kusi), Kragg (hoppy/elkiies), Ori (NBad), Pomme (Kyb), Forsburn (MrMutton),
Ranno (Squanto), Sylvanos (Brunch), Hodan (kusi), Absa (Akashi), Etalus (Ripplay), Orcane (Alkali), Olympia (hoppy/elkiies), Clairen (NBad)